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Tag Archives: prairie rattlesnake

Spring Turkey 2018, Snakes and Turkey Talismans


I promised last week that there would be more spring turkey hunting stories coming.  Here ya go. . . . My son and I did some hunting in southeast Nebraska and then a little over a week later slipped out west.  We had a family celebration to attend to, my daughter graduated from NCTA (Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture) in Curtis so naturally we were out for that.  Emily got a diploma and a nifty-looking belt buckle; I got a …

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Adventure Report, July 17, 2013

The past couple of weeks have been busy and I have traveled to several corners of our great state.  Time to give you a report on what I have been doing, mostly show some pictures, and oh yes, tell you about some fishing. . . . Most years I end up spending the 4th of July holiday with my family in Valentine.  That has been a tradition for about as long as I can remember.  This year was no exception …

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Adventure Report, June 5, 2013

A couple of months ago I warned that I would be “out of the office” as much as possible.  Well, I have been; have enjoyed this spring immensely.  In fact I have enjoyed it so much that I have not given a fishing report recently.  Time to get caught up. . . . Lewis & Clark To start, I have to go back a couple weeks, back before the Memorial Day holiday.  Some of the Nebraska Walleye Association folks, http://www.nebraskawalleye.com/ …

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