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Tag Archives: fishing songs

What is on Your Playlist?


From time to time, just for the fun of it, on Fridays, I have posted a song or two.  Most of the time those songs have something to do with fishing or hunting or the outdoors. Recently, I stumbled onto an article about that very topic–a fishing song playlist.  Take a look.  You probably already have a bunch of these on your playlist, but you might discover a new one or two! Top Fishing Songs for Your Playlist I imagine …

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Whatcha listening to?


Do not know that I have a “mix tape”.  Nevertheless, I do have a few fishing-related songs that I like to listen to.  Some of them may be a little obscure, some of them corny. . . . Good subjects for a weekend blog post. This one pretty much nails it, especially for the weekend: Hope you get a chance to do the same this weekend!

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Friday Tunes


You all know I like to keep my Friday blog posts on the light side.  Although I have not done it recently, from time to time I like to share a hunting or fishing tune. I know this one is not new, but hey, I am old and sometimes it takes me a while to catch up.  I kind of like it!  Tells a story, captures what we love about fishing!  And, I like the banjo! However, let me say …

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Caught a Drum


I caught a freshwater drum the other day, as far as drum go, a pretty nice one.  It just hammered my crankbait. Reminded me of this song. I categorically deny that I have a drum tattoo on my chest.  Do not have any piercings either. Have a great weekend everyone, GO FISH, see if you can dry off a drum.

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Tournament Time


I am old, and I will never claim that I was ever one of the “cool” kids. I also completely realize that I will be just as big a “dork” at the end of this blog post as I was at the beginning. However, at the high school bass championships last weekend, for a couple of days, I hung around some anglers who were much younger and much cooler than me.  I heard some references to a song, a “Tournament …

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Shut Up and Fish!


I was looking at The Walleye Guys e-letter this week and discovered a new song.  I kind of like it: Pretty much sums up my attitude when I am on the water.  At work and even in my personal life, I may do some talking, but when it is time to fish, well, shut up! Do not know what you are planning for this weekend, but do not forget to GO FISH!  And shut up while you are at it.

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It’s a Classic

I have seen where some bloggers post what music they are listening to. . . . You should see my kids roll their eyes when I pop this cassette in. I do not know if they roll their eyes because of the song or because I am still listening to cassette tapes.  Hey, they are better than 8-tracks! Good things come to those who troll!

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