Home » Fishing » Mormon Island SRA sewer project could affect ice-fishing

Mormon Island SRA sewer project could affect ice-fishing

Mormon Island State Recreation Area in Hall County is undergoing a sewer improvement project that could affect ice-fishing.

With the area’s typically high groundwater level, contractors must pump groundwater away from the construction site. So, water will be pumped into Lake No. 1 north of the accessible fishing pier and east along the north shoreline beginning this week. This will melt the ice on the surface of the lake where the water is displaced.

Ice anglers should take extra caution when fishing around the area where water is being pumped into Lake No. 1. They should assess the ice before venturing out and stay a safe distance away from where water is being pumped.

A Nebraska park entry permit is required of each vehicle entering Mormon Island SRA.

About Jerry Kane

Jerry Kane is the news manager with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He can be contacted at jerry.kane@nebraska.gov or 402-471-5008.

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