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Celebrate Nebraska Pollinator Week starting June 20

Join the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission in celebrating our state’s native pollinators — including more than 200 species of butterflies — during Nebraska Pollinator Week this June 20-26.

Pollinator Week, in Nebraska and internationally, is an effort to celebrate and raise awareness about pollinators and their conservation. Pollinators, including bees, hummingbirds and butterflies, add more than $217 billion to the worldwide economy through crop pollination. They pollinate more than 180,000 plant species around the world — including plants that provide food for people, birds and mammals.

The public is encouraged to take part in virtual and public events around Nebraska. A list of these events can be found at nebraskapollinatorweek.org/events.

Game and Parks also is hosting the annual Nebraska Pollinator Week Challenge. The event challenges participants to submit at least five pollinator observations using the application iNaturalist. Anyone who participates in the challenge can submit to receive a pollinator prize pack through the Nebraska Pollinator Week website.

Learn more about the Nebraska Pollinator Week Challenge at nebraskapollinatorweek.org/challenge.

Nebraska Pollinator Week is the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s statewide focus on the international Pollinator Week effort hosted through the Pollinator Partnership. Learn more at nebraskapollinatorweek.org.

About shawna richter-ryerson

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