Home » Fishing » Gracie Creek Pond temporarily closed to access as work begins on rehabilitation project

Gracie Creek Pond temporarily closed to access as work begins on rehabilitation project

The Gracie Creek Pond in Loup County will be closed temporarily to fishing and public access as work on its rehabilitation will begin with equipment mobilization May 23. The project will continue through the summer.

Angler access will continue downstream of Nebraska Highway 96 and pond outlets.

This popular trout fishing pond, located at the upper end of Calamus Reservoir, was severely degraded with sedimentation during the 2019 spring flooding.

During the project, the pond level will be lowered by removing dam boards, and 30,000 cubic yards of accumulated sediment will be excavated. Other improvements include a sediment dike above the pond, a rock channel below the box culvert and additional sheet piling to stop erosion around the outlet culvert.

About Jerry Kane

Jerry Kane is the news manager with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He can be contacted at jerry.kane@nebraska.gov or 402-471-5008.

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