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Buffalo Bill master plan virtual public meeting rescheduled

LINCOLN, Neb. – The meeting for the Buffalo Bill Ranch State Historical Park and State Recreation Area draft master plan has been rescheduled for 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Sept. 23.

The public meeting will be via Zoom. Participants will be required to register at outdoornebraska.gov/buffalobillranch or outdoornebraska.gov/buffalobillsra.

The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is developing a master plan to improve the two state parks in North Platte. The master plan covers potential new development, programming and recreational activities that enhance the experience for future visitors. The plan incorporates new interpretation and programming goals centered around the life of William “Buffalo Bill” Cody and his home – Scout’s Rest Ranch.

The public meeting will consist of a presentation of several potential development design concepts for the historical park and recreation area. Attendees can provide feedback on several proposed development ideas, which are unique to each park area.

“We know this is a challenging time, and we want to ensure a broad representation of the public is at the meeting to guide future development, programs, and events at Buffalo Bill Ranch State Historical Park and State Recreation Area,” said Jim Swenson, state parks administrator. “We want these master plans to reflect what Nebraskans want for their state parks for future generations.”

The public also may provide input through a digital platform, which will be available after the public meeting. It can be accessed at outdoornebraska.gov/buffalobillranch or outdoornebraska.gov/buffalobillsra.

About Jerry Kane

Jerry Kane is the news manager with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. He can be contacted at jerry.kane@nebraska.gov or 402-471-5008.

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