March is a re-kindling of hope. A time to peek at the 10-day weather forecast and celebrate when we see above-freezing temperatures.
Travel & Adventure
Winter Macro Photography
Community Science Program Manager Bri Nugent shares how macro photography has encouraged her to get outside in winter.
Nature Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day
If you would like to combine your love for nature with that special someone in your life, keep reading for a list of nature-themed dates.
A Grouse Viewing Tour and More
Experience the natural wonder of the sharp-tailed grouse mating dance. Niobrara State Park is now taking reservations for its viewing blind.
A Short Walk to the Wild Side
The Thompson Natural History Preserve and adjacent land owned by Chadron State College is my go-to when I need a quick fix of the outdoors.
Once Bitten – Preventing Frostbite
A hand-warming pouch, or muff, that hangs by a sling from my neck and a rechargeable hand warmer have been game-changers.