Though Smith Falls State Park is Nebraska’s youngest, the property’s main attraction has surely been recognized as a scenic jewel.
Travel & Adventure
Stay Safe Playing Near Water
Many summer fun activities in Nebraska involve being in or around water. Remember these tips for water safety.
Fishing Flanagan – A Lake in the City
For a metro-area lake, 225 acres of surface water at full pool isn’t half bad. The surrounding land adds an additional 505 acres of green space, a playground and park area on the northeastern side south of Ida Street, and over 5 miles of paved trails.
Breaking Down Barriers in Birding
Meet a Nebraska woman working for more inclusive and accessible birding in the state. Read more about Birdability Captain Cassandra Dean.
Unearthing Treasures – Rockhounding in Nebraska
Story and photos by Renae Blum Over 35 years of searching Nebraska for rocks, minerals, fossils and artifacts, Charles Wooldridge’s biggest find wasn’t even his. It was his dog’s. Wooldridge — who goes by “Wooly” and lives in Lincoln — was in the north-central Sandhills, trying unsuccessfully to relocate an […]
Smiley Canyon Scenic Drive
Smiley Canyon Scenic Drive has long allowed visitors to immerse themselves in the grandeur of the Pine Ridge without leaving their vehicles.