As communications director for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, I get to travel to some of the state’s best destinations for meetings. Quite often, before those meetings start, I hit the trail.
Travel & Adventure
Pink Pumpkin Walk at Indian Cave
Cool October breezes stir along a path at Indian Cave State Park, lined with pumpkins painted pink. Dozens of people wearing gray and pink T-shirts stride along the path, stopping to look.
The Language of the Outdoors
Language allows us to capture and describe the world around us, and when it comes to nature, the words we use can be as vibrant and lively as the outdoors itself.
Autumn Outdoor Adventures
Nebraska Game and Parks’ Greg Wagner shares some activity ideas and words of encouragement for venturing outdoors to enjoy autumn.
Fort Hartsuff Celebrates 150 Years
To commemorate this historic milestone, Fort Hartsuff is hosting a two-day event Aug. 31 to Sept. 1 on Labor Day weekend.
Shoreline to Spare – Sherman Reservoir SRA
At 2,845 acres and a little more than 4 miles long, Sherman Reservoir is far from Nebraska’s largest, but only one has more shoreline.