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Nebraskaland Magazine’s content reflects its diverse audience and the specific concerns of its publisher, the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Subject matter includes all varieties of outdoor recreation including camping, travel, canoeing, hunting, fishing, Nebraska’s state parks and recreation areas, wildlife, natural history, unique personalities, art, culture, history and personal reminiscence. All articles have a strong Nebraska association.

Freelance Submissions

About 90 percent of published articles and photographs are produced by magazine staff writers and photographers. The magazine welcomes freelance submissions and pays $.15 per word of edited text. Freelance submissions for photographs are also welcome, and pay the following rates: Front cover, $250; Inside front cover, $150; Back cover, $100; and $125 per individual page.

Writing Guidelines

  • Nebraskaland welcomes high-quality articles with a Nebraska slant. Topics may include any of those listed above. Serious, light or humorous treatments are acceptable. “How-to” articles are welcome. Queries are encouraged and can be sent through the mail with an appropriate self-addressed stamp envelope (SASE) or emailed to the magazine’s editor.

  • First-person narratives (“Me and Joe” stories) are likely to be published only if they describe a unique experience, go beyond the simple details of a hunting or fishing trip or are uniquely reminiscent of Nebraska’s past.

  • Submissions accompanied by appropriate illustration (photos or art) or appropriate suggestions for illustration are welcome. See Guidelines for Photographers below for more information.

  • Stories average about 2,500 words, but lengths range from about 800 words to about 4,000 words. Nebraskaland follows the conventions of the Associated Press Stylebook and Outdoor Writers Association of America Outdoor Style Manual.

  • Manuscripts must be single-spaced and sent in 12-point font. Electronic files (email attachments) are acceptable, but should be accompanied by a hard copy of the submission. The writer’s full address and telephone number must accompany each submission. Unsolicited material will be returned only if accompanied by a SASE.

  • Seasonal material should be submitted at least six months before anticipated publication. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection within six months.

  • A detailed evaluation of rejected work cannot be provided.

Mail to:
Nebraskaland Magazine
P.O. Box 30370
Lincoln, NE 68503

Photography Guidelines

  • An average issue of Nebraskaland contains more than 40 color photographs. 90 percent or more are taken by staff photographers. Nebraskaland welcomes the submission of high-quality digital images that illustrate Nebraska’s wildlife, parks and recreation areas, outdoor activities, scenery and history.

  • We will not use “blood and guts” bag shots or scenes in which alcohol, cigarettes or blatant advertising are prominent. All hunting and fishing activity pictured must clearly conform to the appropriate legal regulations and to high ethical standards. All scenes must be from Nebraska. Previously unpublished photos are preferred and unsolicited photographs should be accompanied by a SASE or e-mailed as attachments to Editor Jeff Kurrus.

  • Single-subject or thematically related groups of photos stand a better chance of acceptance than do individual shots or unrelated collections. See past issues of Nebraskaland for examples of the “color spread” photo essay.

  • Photos accompanied by appropriate text, or with suggestions for accompanying text, are welcome. See writers’ guidelines for more information.

  • Color: Only original, high-resolution digital images will be considered for publication. Color prints are not acceptable. All photographs must be in digital JPEG or JPG formats and have a resolution of at least 8 megapixels to be made available upon request. Captions or descriptions keyed to each photo by number are encouraged. Article layout, photo cropping and placement of photo credits and captions will be at the art director’s discretion. Caption content will be at the editor’s discretion.

  • Seasonal material should be submitted at least six months before anticipated publication. A minimum four months lead-time is required. Photos accepted for publication might be held for six months or more.

  • Nebraskaland cannot provide a detailed critique of rejected photographs. Please allow 1-3 months for a reply.

Mail to:
Jeff Kurrus, Editor
Nebraskaland Magazine
P.O. Box 30370
Lincoln, NE 68503

Submit Portraits of the Past

Vintage photo from 1905 of three women standing underneath ancient petroglyphs at Indian Cave State Park.

Nebraskaland is seeking photos for our “Portraits of the Past” magazine segment.

Submit your pre-2000 photos and memories enjoying outdoor Nebraska activities such as hunting, fishing, camping, boating, exploring and more through our online form or by mail.