Published since June, 1926 by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Nebraskaland Magazine promotes the stewardship and conservation of Nebraska’s natural resources and outdoor spaces. With outstanding photography and engaging storytelling at its core, Nebraskaland showcases the many outdoor opportunities available across the state—hunting, fishing, camping, boating and wildlife viewing among them—within the state parks system and beyond.
Magazine Staff
Many gifted writers, illustrators and photographers have dedicated their time and talents to the magazine over the last 100 years. These individuals have set the highest standards for outstanding journalism and have achieved many awards over the course of their careers showcasing outdoor Nebraska.
Browse through Nebraskaland publications online, including the past five years of the magazine in digital form, along with over 50 years of content in the searchable Nebraskaland Digital Archive. Photography is also available to view or purchase in our Photo Library, which houses over a million photographic images taken by our award-winning Nebraskaland Magazine staff.
Nebraskaland Magazine welcomes a selection of high-quality photography and writing submissions that encompass Nebraska through a variety of outdoor recreation activities, state parks, wildlife, history, culture and more. Nebraskaland also hosts an annual photo contest; photographers of all ages and skill levels are invited to share their visions of Nebraska.
Our Policies
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, in association with Nebraskaland Magazine, implements policies in order to protect the Commission and its constituents. These policies include our social media, copyright, cookies, discrimination, security, accessibility and privacy policies.