Fisheries personnel are busy doing a variety of tasks in early spring. One project happening right now is tagging pike at Flanagan Reservoir.
Tag: Fish
Youth Fishing Instructor Training
Becoming a youth fishing instructor is a great way to give back to the sport and resources. Certification classes are scheduled, sign up!
Fisheries Meetings
Six virtual fisheries meetings are planned for Nebraska anglers this spring. Dates and times are listed and attendance is encouraged!
Merritt Boat Access
Boat ramp at the Powderhorn area of Merritt Reservoir is closed due to overwinter ice damage. Other ramps on Merritt are available.
Archery Paddlefish Reminder
Still some time to apply for a Nebraska archery paddlefish permit. Applications are due by March 14. Season runs the month of June.
The Re-emergence
March is a re-kindling of hope. A time to peek at the 10-day weather forecast and celebrate when we see above-freezing temperatures.