To commemorate this historic milestone, Fort Hartsuff is hosting a two-day event Aug. 31 to Sept. 1 on Labor Day weekend.
Travel & Adventure
Shoreline to Spare – Sherman Reservoir SRA
At 2,845 acres and a little more than 4 miles long, Sherman Reservoir is far from Nebraska’s largest, but only one has more shoreline.
Smith Falls State Park: Cascading Through the Times
Though Smith Falls State Park is Nebraska’s youngest, the property’s main attraction has surely been recognized as a scenic jewel.
Stay Safe Playing Near Water
Many summer fun activities in Nebraska involve being in or around water. Remember these tips for water safety.
Fishing Flanagan – A Lake in the City
For a metro-area lake, 225 acres of surface water at full pool isn’t half bad. The surrounding land adds an additional 505 acres of green space, a playground and park area on the northeastern side south of Ida Street, and over 5 miles of paved trails.
Breaking Down Barriers in Birding
Meet a Nebraska woman working for more inclusive and accessible birding in the state. Read more about Birdability Captain Cassandra Dean.