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Barbs and Backlashes

Go Fish, Now


We are well into May now.  It is time to fish!  I will tell you generally, May and June are two of the best months for open-water fishing in Nebraska.  I do not care what species you like to catch, which waters you like to fish–Do Not Pass “Go”, Do Not Collect $200, Just Go Fish!  Now! Sure gather as much information as you can get.  But, you really do not need to fish for fishing reports.  Make your own: …

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Tagged Out


I have a spring turkey hunting scrapbook.  That album of course has photos along with old permits on which notes about the hunts are scribbled.  Beards and spurs from birds taken are included.  The scrapbook is a great way to look back over 40+ years of Nebraska spring turkey seasons (Ruby Year). Did some looking back through the years this spring because I did something I have not done in a while.  I bought two spring turkey permits. At this …

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Paddlefish Stats


Want to call attention to a report that was recently posted on our Game & Parks webpage.  I know a lot of folks have questions about our paddlefish seasons, both archery and snagging.  There are always questions about the permits and chances to draw.  There are also questions about success and harvest. This report will answer them all: Please check out the”cleaner” version, .pdf HERE: 2023 Paddlefish Seasons Summary with 2024 Drawing Odds

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Under the Pink Moon


I have noted in my blog many times before that spending time in the outdoors with friends and especially family is very important.  Have spent a lot of time in the spring turkey field with both my son and daughter.  We have enjoyed each other’s hunts as much as our own. Time never stops, and my kids are gone from home at this time.  Both of them now have their own spouses to share hunting adventures with.  That does not …

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It’s Not Too Late!

Still plenty of time! Nebraska anglers still have time to join Midwest Walleye Challenge Nebraska anglers still have plenty of time to enter the Midwest Walleye Challenge and be eligible for prizes, as well as to gather data that biologists can use to help manage walleye populations. Anglers in 13 states and one Canadian province are participating by entering the waters in which they pursue walleyes and photographing fish they catch. The collection of angler catch data during the Nebraska …

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Merritt Road Work


Going to spread some news around some more today.  If you fish Merritt Reservoir, this will affect you this year: Highway project underway around Merritt A highway widening and resurfacing project is underway on Highway 97 around Merritt Reservoir State Recreation Area southwest of Valentine. Visitors can expect delays. The Nebraska Department of Transportation is working on the 5-mile stretch from Merritt Dam Road to Snake River Road. The project will include asphalt resurfacing, pavement widening, culvert work and grading. …

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Race Winner


Time for my first report from this spring’s turkey fields! If you have been reading my blog for some time, you know my attention in the spring gets drawn from fins to feathers–gobbling, turkey feathers.  Our Nebraska spring shotgun season has been open for over a week now.  You may also know that I like to take a casual approach to my turkey hunting.  Oh, I am focused on punching tags, but I like to enjoy the process and every …

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Nebraska Sandhills


I love Nebraska’s sandhills.  The original Bauer homestead was on the western edge of those beautiful hills.  As a child, my first residence was just a couple of miles from there.  Although I have not lived directly in the ‘hills for most of my life, I have always felt I was going home whenever I get back there.  I do that every chance I get. It thrills me that the University of Nebraska Press has recently published The Nebraska Sandhills. …

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Turkey Time


It is that time of year again.  Spring!  The fish are biting, the ‘shrooms are popping, turkeys gobblin’.  I hate that I have to do anything this time of year other than spend time on the water or in the field!  So much to do, and so little time!  I wish I could completely clear my schedule! The urgency of it all, spring is only gonna last for so long, can put me in a poor state of mind.  You …

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Fish Handling Reminder, Again

Believe me, I LOVE fish pictures!  Do not think that I ever get tired of looking at them. Unfortunately, I have to admit, I cringe at many of them. Yes, that is mostly because I am a pointy-headed fisheries biologist.  I know how sensitive fish can be to being caught, handled and released.  On the other hand, let me also say this:  I know that they also can be very robust.  That is especially true when the water is relatively …

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