Brown trout and brook trout in Nebraska are fall spawners. Yes, we do have populations of both species maintained by natural reproduction in Nebraska streams.
Barbs & Backlashes
State Record Update – Fall 2023
There has not been a lot of activity on the state record fish front. However, I do have a couple of new state records to tell you about.
Hybrids – Crappies
There are two species of crappies, black and white. Both are common in Nebraska and both species often are found in the same waterbody.
It’s Fall, and It’s On!
Folks are busy with a lot of activities in the fall. Just know that fall provides some of the best open-water fishing of the year.
Standing Bear Update
Many of you will remember that we started an angler access and renovation project on Standing Bear Reservoir this spring.
Algae Mats? EEEEWWWW!??????
I wanted to point out that a person does NOT have to have a boat to catch fish, a lot of fish, big fish.