Something of a mystery, Nebraska’s bobcat population has flourished in recent decades and remains healthy.
Author: Justin Haag
Upland Hunting the Sandhills – A Scientific Approach
A national refuge wildlife biologist shares his perspectives on one of his favorite pastimes: hunting prairie grouse.
Sowbelly with Coffee – Special Names for a Special Place
The scenery alone is worth a trip to Sowbelly Canyon in Nebraska’s Pine Ridge. Don’t forget the fishing rod, though.
Fishing the ‘Down Times’
Nebraska’s fisheries have their ups and downs, especially if we’re talking water levels. The water stored in many of the state’s most popular fishing lakes is vital for irrigating crops when Mother Nature is stingy with rain. The annual drawdown of water is important for agriculture, but can be challenging for fish populations and the people pursuing them.
The Crankbait Canvas
Nebraskaland regional editor Justin Haag tells how painting crankbaits and other lures is rewarding, economical and fun.
Trapping Turkeys
Researchers have teamed up with Nebraska Game and Parks to learn about turkey movements, habitat selection, nesting success and genetic diversity.