Though Smith Falls State Park is Nebraska’s youngest, the property’s main attraction has surely been recognized as a scenic jewel.
Author: Justin Haag
Deer Damage Control Permits – Finding a Balance
For the past decade, a Silver Creek farmer has invited Game and Parks to observe the deer populations and crop damage on his property in late May and early June. That has resulted in the issuance of a damage control permit.
Smiley Canyon Scenic Drive
Smiley Canyon Scenic Drive has long allowed visitors to immerse themselves in the grandeur of the Pine Ridge without leaving their vehicles.
Wildlife’s Wintering Ways
When the mercury dips down around zero, most of us are fortunate to have heated spaces to take refuge. Wildlife aren’t so fortunate, but do have special adaptations and behaviors to battle the elements.
New Hunters Enjoy ‘Historical’ Sandhills Hunt
Four budding hunters were given a special hunting opportunity in December 2022 during the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s first mentored muzzleloader hunt at Bowring Ranch State Historical Park near Merriman.
Clash of the Bighorns
Nebraska’s Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) and their amazing climbing capabilities are enjoyable to watch throughout the year, but there’s arguably no greater show than when they put their heavy headwear to use during fall.