Many summer fun activities in Nebraska involve being in or around water. Remember these tips for water safety.
Author: Julie Geiser
Ice Safety Tips
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission warns anybody venturing onto the ice to be cautious and use safety tips.
Knowing the Risks of Winter
Participating in outdoor activities during winter can be tons of fun, but stay safe in the cold.
Promise of Walleye
Lake McConaughy is considered one of the best walleye fisheries in the Midwest. Maintaining it, however, is complicated.
Mississippi Kite Comeback
Prior to the 1990s, the Mississippi kite was an infrequent summer visitor to Nebraska. In 1991, kites were observed in Ogallala.
Pillbugs are terrestrial crustaceans closely related to shrimp, crabs and crayfish, and they have adapted to live entirely on land.