Greg Wagner shares tips for early-season scouting ahead of Nebraska’s spring wild turkey season.
Tag: Turkey Hunting
Wild About Spring Turkey Hunting
Greg Wagner attests to the compulsion, obsession and passion of spring wild turkey hunting in outdoor Nebraska.
Tagged Out
I have a spring turkey hunting scrapbook. That album of course has photos along with old permits on which notes about the hunts are scribbled.
Bagging Late-Spring Gobblers
Greg Wagner of Nebraska Game and Parks shares tips for bagging turkeys during the late spring season.
Under the Pink Moon
Time never stops, and my kids are gone from home at this time … That does not mean that we still do not take every opportunity to hunt and fish together.
Race Winner
If you have been reading my blog for some time, you know my attention in the spring gets drawn from fins to feathers–gobbling, turkey feathers.