If you’ve ever contacted the Reservation Call Center for Nebraska State Parks, you know who CJ Zajicek is.
Tag: State Parks
Danish Alps State Recreation Area
Tucked away among the rolling hills of Dakota County, Danish Alps State Recreation Area derives its name from the early Danish pioneers who first settled in the area.
In-field Zipper Repairs
Zipper maintenance can extend its life span and keep problems to a minimum. Keep the zipper free of dirt and sand.
Convergence on Sacred Ground
Artifacts from the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum of Natural History were on display and are believed to be from Little Thunder camps.
Nebraska’s Best Beaches
If you’re ready to explore Nebraska’s beach scene, here are a few places you should make a beeline for.
Fish Habitat Update 2016
Aquatic Habitat Program projects completed in recent years are now providing excellent fishing at lakes around Nebraska.