At 2.3 miles, the Kearney Water Trail is undoubtedly one of the shortest in Nebraska. Despite that fact, it might also be one of the busiest.
Tag: Rivers and Streams
Platte River Water Trail
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has long promoted a 70-mile water trail on the Platte between Fremont and Plattsmouth. Under the Commissionโs Venture Parks initiative, there are now new access points Schramm Park and Louisville state recreation areas,
2019 Flood: $19 million in Damage
The cost to clean up and repair damage to Nebraska state parks, wildlife management areas, the Cowboy Trail and fisheries caused by historic flooding in 2019 adds up to nearly $19 million.
Crane Moves
Sandhill cranes are arriving on the Platte River earlier and staying longer. With more birds packed into a smaller area, biologists are left to wonder what the future holds.