While we all have observed deer or pictures of deer with antlers, have you ever encountered a deer with fangs or tusks — canine teeth?
Tag: Mammals
Our Fascinating and Fearless Foxes
The fox pair had protected all of their pups, also called kits, without so much as a scratch and clearly demonstrated how devoted they are as parents.
The Science of Antlers
Antlers grow up to a half inch per day and are one of the fastest growing living tissues on Earth.
Advancing Groundhogs
Woodchucks literally have been on the move in Nebraska, advancing westward across the state towards Colorado.
Flying Squirrel
Southern flying squirrels are considered a threatened species in Nebraska. Wildlife biologist Melissa Panella shares more about them.
Bighorn Sheep Capture
Bighorn sheep ewes were captured as part of a study. The sheep were fitted for GPS collars and monitored for health.