Nebraska Game and Parks staff share 13 tips to help archery deer hunters the most of their hunting adventure during the rut.
Tag: Bowhunting
Archery Turkey Hunting Shots
Getting your bow sighted in and choosing a good broadhead are important, but donโt forget shot placement when aiming at a turkey this season.
Real-World Bowhunting Practice
Here are some bowhunting-specific practice tips and drills you can do to prepare for archery hunting season.
Turkey Trifecta
Ryan Sparks devised his own turkey hunting challenge: fill Nebraska’s three-bird limit with a bow, muzzleloader and shotgun.
Young Man Completes Multi-Species Super Tag
Zachary Welch, a 21-year-old student at the University of Nebraska-Kearney, successfully hunted all five animals within four months by archery.