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Tag Archives: bowfishing

State Record Update, Mid-2024


Have not posted a state record update for a long time.  There has been a good reason for that–nothing to update. Actually, I have had one new state record application since this spring.  I waited though because I was hoping there would be more.  Heard nothing about any other new state records for weeks.  That all changed recently.  Now there is more to tell you about. . . . Might as well take them in order. . . . Rod …

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State Record Summary, 2022


The calendar has turned over, it is a new year.  It is also time to look back at last year and summarize some things.  Things, like state record fish. . . . First of all, I have one update to give.  One application for a state record fish came late in the year.  Noah Jelinek of Waverly caught that fish, a silver carp.  He caught it on November 24.  The fish was caught by rod & reel from Salt Creek …

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State Record Update, Fall 2022


It has been quite a while since I gave an update on Nebraska state record fish.  The main reason for that is there has not been much activity.  There has been some however, so let me tell you about it. Rod & Reel The first was caught by rod & reel back in April.  I told you it had been a while.  The fish was a shorthead redhorse, a native species of sucker.  Adam Pavelka from Verdigre caught the fish.  …

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State Record Summary, 2021


The year 2021 is in the rear-view mirror.  Time to summarize the state record fish that were caught last year: Surface Spearing No state record fish were taken by surface spearing in 2021. Underwater Spearfishing Two state record fish were taken by underwater spearfishing last year, both of them channel catfish.  The first was taken on June 5 and weighed 26 pounds 9 ounces. A little over a week later, that record was bested by a 27 pound 5 ounce …

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State Record Summary, 2020


We had some state record fish caught last fall, so I realize that it has not been that long since I gave a state record update (State Record Updata, Fall 2020).  However, it is a new year, and I want so summarize the state record fish we had last year.  It was a busy year! Surface Spearfishing One record fish was taken by surface spearfishing in 2020.  It was a 10 pound 7 ounce silver carp taken from the Platte …

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State Record Update, August 2020


I have not provided the usual state record updates this year.  There was a slow start to the year with little to report.  Then, June rolled around and there were three, big, state record fish caught in back-to-back-to-back weeks.  I blogged almost immediately about them because they were so notable .  Let me get back on track by giving a full run-down here.  Might as well start from the beginning, way back in February. . . . Silver Carp Hayden …

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Stop the Presses, They Come in Threes!


I usually have an idea of what I am going to blog about for the next week or two.  But, what good would blogging be if you did not post the “hottest”, most recent, breaking information? Most of you know that we have had a couple of notable state record fish caught in Nebraska the past two weeks.  First it was a big flathead catfish, then a big hybrid striped bass.  I was joking with my supervisor yesterday that fishing …

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State Record Summary, 2019


I got to thinking. . . . I have not given a summary of state record fish certified in 2019.  Time to do that. . . . Four fish were certified as new state records in 2019. Surface Spearfishing No new state record fish were taken by surface spearfishing in 2019. Underwater Spearfishing One fish taken by underwater spearfishing was certified as a state record in 2019, a 1 pound 12 ounce redear sunfish taken from a private pond in …

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State Record Update, June 2019


Been a long time since I mentioned what is new on the state record front.  Got three new state records to tell you about.  Let’s start with a couple of rod & reel records: The first to hit my desk this year came back in April.  Scott McGuire from Grant pushed our tiger trout record even higher, just short of 5 pounds now, 4 pounds 14 ounces. Scott’s fish was 24 inches long, and was caught from the North Platte …

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Bowfishing 101

Nebraska’s public waters have enthralled me for more than 30 years. I first picked up a bow in 1988, and very quickly, bowfishing became a lifelong passion. Stalking a fish, unleashing an arrow and hoping for the best – the thrill is similar to hunting. I will always choose fishing with a bow over a rod and reel. Another reason why I love bowfishing so much – bowfishers still account for a small percentage of anglers in Nebraska, which means …

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