The sandhill crane migration is one of the world’s greatest wildlife spectacles, and Nebraska residents don’t have to travel far to see it.
Tag: Birds
February Wildlife Viewing – Bald Eagles
In Nebraska, bald eagles can be observed year round, but arguably, winter offers the best opportunities for viewing these large birds of prey.
The Process of Pellets
When owls eat, the indigestible parts of prey, like the teeth, bones, fur or feathers, are formed into an oval mass called a pellet.
January Wildlife Viewing – Go Owling
Don’t let cold temperatures keep you cooped up inside this winter. January is a great time to look and listen for owls, an activity known as “owling.”
A few common birds’ nests in Nebraska
No matter the species and no matter the style of nest, all birds’ nests serve the same purpose: to protect eggs and hatchlings.
Bird Banding in the Panhandle
Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area and Chadron State Park band migratory birds each fall; in fall 2022, they banded nearly 700 song birds.