Elsa Forsberg, a wildlife biologist, follows the long life and amazing journey of a piping plover that she banded in 2010.
Tag: Birds
May Wildlife Viewing – Birds!
May in Nebraska is a bird watcher’s paradise. Endless birding opportunities abound, from colorful warblers to unique shorebirds.
Compete in the Nebraska Birding Bowl
This free event is open to anyone who enjoys observing birds in Nebraska. Win prizes just for observing birds!
Nebraska’s Clean-up Crew – Turkey Vultures
If you’ve ever seen large, wobbly-looking black birds flying overhead, congratulations! You were witnessing one of Nebraska’s most efficient cleaning companies at work.
Nature’s Dancing with the Stars — Prairie Grouse
For most of the year, prairie grouse are inconspicuous, but come mid-March through early May, male birds are ready to perform.
Duck, Duck, Crane! — Nebraska’s Spring Migration
Located in the narrowest portion of the Central Flyway, Nebraska becomes a birder’s paradise in March. Find out more!