Within three minutes, the toad had been completely swallowed up by the earth, leaving almost no sign it had been there. It was mesmerizing and magical to watch.
Tag: Animals
Phenology: Nature’s Calendar
Phenology is the timing of events in the life cycles of plants and animals. They must rely on cues of the changing seasons to survive.
Deer Fangs
While we all have observed deer or pictures of deer with antlers, have you ever encountered a deer with fangs or tusks — canine teeth?
The Amazing Camouflaged Looper
It’s hard to pick a favorite insect, but I have anyway.
Importance of Predators
The motivation to remove predators is easy to understand, but what if the cost of removing predators is higher than keeping them around?
Snapping Turtles on the Move
Snapping turtles hardly ever leave their aquatic habitats except during breeding season. At this time, females can travel great distances.