Experience the natural wonder of the sharp-tailed grouse mating dance. Niobrara State Park is now taking reservations for its viewing blind.
Tag: Animals
Fox Eat Squirrel World
Daryl Bauer recounts a chase between a fox and squirrel and the connection to the underwater world of predators and prey.
The Primordial Pouch in Nebraska’s Native Cats
Contrary to the common misconception that it is a sign of obesity among cats, the primordial pouch serves several important functions.
Large Milkweed Bugs
If you pay attention to milkweed plants during the summer, you’ll notice a wide variety of insect species feeding on the nectar produced by milkweed flowers.
The Builders of the Wild: Beavers
The presence of beavers tells the story of a species’ resilience among human neighbors in a changing environment.
Surviving the Scorch – How Animals Beat the Heat
From playing hide-and-seek with the sun to their own versions of natural air conditioning, animals have some quirky ways to stay cool.