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Access Notes for the Weekend

Sunset over water, boat on lake.  Photo by Daryl Bauer.

By Daryl Bauer, Fisheries Outreach Program Manager

What a week we have had! In less than 24 hours, I went from being hot and sun burnt to wind blown and sand-blasted by sleet, snow and disgusting Texas dirt. Looking at the forecast, it will be more than bearable to be outdoors again this weekend!

Since you might be heading out, I have a couple of news items that might affect your fishing plans. Let me try to spread the word on these:

Mormon Island SRA fishing pier closed for renovations

The fishing pier at Mormon Island State Recreation Area’s Lake No. 1 is closed temporarily for renovations. 

The project will focus on repairing the damaged gangway, redesigning the land approach for better Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility onto the pier, and re-anchoring the floating pier to help mitigate future damages. 

The fishing pier will remain closed until the project is completed. 

Read more about Mormon Island SRA at OutdoorNebraska.gov

Davis Creek Access

Several of you remember that access to Davis Creek Reservoir was closed last fall in order to work on the roads and recreation area. I have had several ask if that work is done and access back open? Tylr Naprstek from the Lower Loup Natural Resource District (NRD) (Davis Creek reservoir and recreation area is a Lower Loup NRD area) gave me an update:

“While we don’t have a completion date just yet, the rec. area remains closed.  When we do finish, we will announce on our website (llnrd.org) as well as all social media outlets and our text service for those that are signed up. Reservations for summer camping can be made at that time.

The NRD understands that this does cut into spring fishing/camping, but going forward, the recreation area and opportunities will be better than ever.”

Thanks, Tylr!

Two Rivers Trout Lake

Power outages in some parts of Nebraska are still a problem. Last I heard, Trout Rivers State Recreation Area (SRA) was without power. As a result, trout tags cannot be sold and the Trout Lake is NOT open for fishing right now. Hopefully, power will be returned as soon as possible, but that outage might last through the weekend.

Anglers fishing from shore and pier.  Photo by Daryl Bauer, Nebraska Game & Parks Commission.
Photo by Daryl Bauer, Nebraska Game & Parks Commission.