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A close-up of a tick on the tip of a deer antler.

Tick Tactics

As I continued to spot ticks all around me, I did two things. First, I did a quick tick check of my own body to confirm that I was still tick free. I was. Second, I tried to come up with a hypothesis to explain what I was seeing.

Pronghorn herd in snow and frost

Wildlife’s Wintering Ways

When the mercury dips down around zero, most of us are fortunate to have heated spaces to take refuge. Wildlife aren’t so fortunate, but do have special adaptations and behaviors to battle the elements.

Bighorn Sheep colliding

Clash of the Bighorns

Nebraska’s Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) and their amazing climbing capabilities are enjoyable to watch throughout the year, but there’s arguably no greater show than when they put their heavy headwear to use during fall.