For small creatures that live around your property, those piles of leaves, dead plant material, twigs and stems help keep them alive over the winter months.
Death and Decomposition in Nature
When an animal dies in the wild, its carcass becomes the focal point of an intriguing micro-ecosystem that supports various life forms, each contributing to the breakdown and recycling of nutrients.
A Passion for Regal Fritillaries and Violets
The regal fritillary is aptly named. A glimpse of this large butterfly, with its beautiful reddish-orange wings ornately spotted with white, black and blue, effortlessly sailing above the prairie, is indeed a regal sight.
Elk – Guardians of Nebraska’s Wilderness
Elk, commonly called wapiti — a Native American word meaning “light-colored deer” — belong to the deer family (Cervidae). They are the second largest members, just behind moose.
The Shrews, The Voles and The Moles
Have you wondered what happens in the secretive world beneath your feet? Imagine a neighborhood drama featuring shrews, voles and moles as the quirky cast.
Nerd of the Marsh – The American Coot
Often found among several dapper duck species, American coot flocks can dominate a wetland but usually fail to attract attention.