At 2.3 miles, the Kearney Water Trail is undoubtedly one of the shortest in Nebraska. Despite that fact, it might also be one of the busiest.
Travel & Adventure
Platte River Water Trail
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has long promoted a 70-mile water trail on the Platte between Fremont and Plattsmouth. Under the Commission’s Venture Parks initiative, there are now new access points Schramm Park and Louisville state recreation areas,
Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Weekend Workshop
The Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Weekend Workshop is a three-day event featuring a variety of outdoors skills workshops for women.
Lewis & Clark SRA
Once you see Lewis and Clark Lake, you may want to visit this scenic gem often.
The Divine Devil’s Den
Scientists of yesteryear agree: this crevice in far northwestern Nebraska is in a class by itself.
Wildcat Hills: A Wild Place
Whether you’re looking for state-of-the-art facilities, or just a great view in the pines, this Panhandle park has it.