Nebraskaland photographer Eric Fowler shares a collection of images he has taken from a plane. He has spent hundreds of hours doing aerial photography.
The Ruttens’ Turtle Hunting Tradition
Every summer, the Rutten “boys” — geared in old tennis shoes, jeans and a T-shirt — ease down into the greasy, stagnant oxbow lake on the flood-prone family property, called “The Island.”
1870s Nebraska Roundup
By the mid-1870s, Nebraska’s open-range cattle industry was experiencing ownership disputes caused by unregulated “round-ups”.
My City Sanctuary
Marissa Jensen of Omaha spends a year discovering a prairie of native grasses, flowers anear her home in the city.
The Great Park Pursuit
Story and photos by Renae Blum It had already been an enjoyable day: wading in Pawnee Lake, picnicking along the shore, chasing Frisbees and etching names in the sand. But it was perhaps a simple green post that garnered the most excitement of all. “I see it! I see it!” […]
Urban Wildlife
Most urban wildlife has gone beyond simply tolerating humans. They’ve moved on to thriving in urban areas because of human presence.