Vince Gewinner of Weeping Water has made recurve bows to keychain ceramics to home décor. His current passion is homemade fishing lures.
Smiley Canyon Scenic Drive
Smiley Canyon Scenic Drive has long allowed visitors to immerse themselves in the grandeur of the Pine Ridge without leaving their vehicles.
Found at an Estate Sale – Girls’ Basketball Trophy
A trophy found at an estate sale tells the story of a basketball team and a generation-long reaction against girls’ and women’s sports.
Do Cranes Sleep?
Photographer Eric Fowler documents sandhill cranes in a wooded area along the Platte River and observed some lying down and even sleeping.
From the Marsh to the Stage
Nick Brichacek is a champion duck caller in Nebraska. He shares suggestions on how hunters can transition from the marsh to the stage.
Don’t Forget the Ducks
In March, the millions of ducks that move through Nebraska are just as impressive as the gathering of sandhill cranes.