The love of the hunt is what keeps hunters coming back to the field and sharing their passion with others whether family or friends.
Open Fields and Waters Program
Hunters and anglers are always on the lookout for places to enjoy their sport and OFW opens private lands for walk-in access.
Why I Hunt
People who introduced me to hunting are the prime reason I enjoy hunting so much today.
Hanging Pheasants and Other Wild Fowl
“I now hang my birds for a few days before I clean them,” said my friend, Mace. “My English brother-in-law turned me on to it. Aged birds are so much better eating.”
Deer Season on the Great Plains
Deer season is a great time hunting with family, doing some photography, and hopefully being able to bag a deer.
Doe Shooter Support Groups
A deer hunter describes his transition from a buck hunter to someone who is happy to harvest a doe.