Hunters have endless possibilities for repurposing deer antlers, from practical uses to home décor.
Waterfowl Zones Explained
To accommodate varying hunting circumstances, Nebraska has four waterfowl hunting zones, providing early- or late-season opportunities, or both.
Dog Ailments and Treatments
During and after every hunt, pay attention for signs of injury or distress in your dog.
Understanding White-tailed Deer Sign
Deer are social animals who communicate with sounds and signs. The signs they leave behind and how to interpret them can be clues for hunting success.
Becoming a Snipe Hunter
Common snipe is similar to a mourning dove in size, and at times rival these athletic fliers with their constant maneuverability. When they set their wings to land, they resemble teal.
50 Years Educating Hunters
In 1974, the Nebraska Legislature passed a bill requiring youths ages 12 to 15 to pass a Hunter Safety course before they could hunt.