Can you harvest turkeys in adverse weather conditions? Sure, but to do it, you’ve got to be prepared to put in the time.
How To
Your Camera Doesn’t See Like You Do – Part 1
The lenses on your camera are constructed very differently than the lenses in your eyes
Finding the Right Duck Call
If you are looking for a duck call or are considering buying one for someone else, read this checklist to help you decide which one is right.
Make a Lure
With a little bit of imagination, “stuff” lying around the house could be fashioned into homemade fishing lures.
All-Season Dog Training
Preparing a dog for hunting season can be a good way to keep yourself engaged during the long off-season, but it can also be time consuming.
Restoring Antlers
Here’s a simple process for restoring a deer mount using only dish soap, a paintbrush, wood stain and fine steel wool.