Greg Wagner shares tips for cleaning, organizing and preparing your outdoor gear for spring outdoor recreation in Nebraska.
How To
Once Bitten – Preventing Frostbite
A hand-warming pouch, or muff, that hangs by a sling from my neck and a rechargeable hand warmer have been game-changers.
Lunch in the Snow
Hot food simply tastes better when the weather is cold. Here are tips for enjoying a meal outdoors in the winter.
New Year Green – Hunting Late-Season Mallards
When most sane duck hunters have given it up for the season, I’m trying to figure out a way to get one more chance at late-season mallards.
Upland Bird Hunting This Winter
Some hunters don’t want to battle the cold and snow, leaving many public areas wide open for you to chase pheasants, quail and prairie grouse.
Deer Antler Crafts
Hunters have endless possibilities for repurposing deer antlers, from practical uses to home décor.