In September, the U.S. Department of Interior announced the Board on Geographic Names had approved the list of replacement words for a term that historically has been an offensive ethnic, sexist slur typically directed toward Native American women.
History & Culture
Pigments of the Fur Trade
Early Native Americans were ingenious in developing muted pigments for face painting and artwork, but came to rely on a steady supply of brilliant colors from traders.
Early License Plates and Driver’s Licenses
Nebraska began registering automobiles in 1905, but didn’t manufacture license plates until 1915. Owners made their own plates.
Clouds of Grasshoppers in 1874
In July of 1874, Rocky Mountain locusts swarmed over the central United States in numbers not seen before or since.
Southwest Nebraska’s 1884 UFO
Over the years, there were searches for remains of a spaceship-like object, but the Journal finally exposed the story as a hoax in 1927.
1870s Nebraska Roundup
By the mid-1870s, Nebraska’s open-range cattle industry was experiencing ownership disputes caused by unregulated “round-ups”.