Calling gumweed a weed is like getting angry at a substitute teacher or backup quarterback because your favorite teacher or player is sick or injured.
Discovering Slime Molds
The slime molds’ DNA suggests they are ancient creatures, one to two billion years old, slithering over the Earth’s barren rock surface at a time when the only other land creatures were bacteria.
Turtles at Home in Nebraska
The Nebraska Sandhills is considered to be the world’s top region for Blanding’s turtle habitat and numbers.
Estimating Duck Migration
A team of scientists at the Cornell Lab used eBird observations from 2006 – 2020 to predict the abundance of duck species in Nebraska.
Pronghorn Research
Nebraska universities and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission began a 2-year study on the survival of pronghorn in western Nebraska.
American Burying Beetle Reintroduction
In 2015, 30 pairs of American burying beetles were transferred from the Nebraska Sandhills to Ohio for breeding and reintroduction.