Nebraska is far from any coastline, yet it is one of few places in the United States where the water is naturally saline.
The Scissors Grinder
Of the world’s roughly 3,000 species of cicada, Nebraska has 22 species of annual cicada and 2 species of 17-year cicada.
A Return to the Plains – Wolves in Nebraska
Wolves are native to Nebraska and were a familiar sight to people here for thousands of years before the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Mississippi Kite Comeback
Prior to the 1990s, the Mississippi kite was an infrequent summer visitor to Nebraska. In 1991, kites were observed in Ogallala.
At-Risk Species Spotlight – Buff-Breasted Sandpiper
Ninety percent of the world’s population of buff-breasted sandpipers migrate through Nebraska, stopping in fields and wetlands to rest.
The Life of a Plover
Elsa Forsberg, a wildlife biologist, follows the long life and amazing journey of a piping plover that she banded in 2010.