For the past decade, a Silver Creek farmer has invited Game and Parks to observe the deer populations and crop damage on his property in late May and early June. That has resulted in the issuance of a damage control permit.
Nebraska’s Obscure Prairie Milkvetches
Big, showy wildflower species get all the attention, while less eye-catching species, like the beautiful milkvetch, often go unnoticed.
A Backyard Prairie – An Acreage Transformed
The American mink is becoming increasingly prevalent in Nebraska’s landscapes and becoming an integral part in our aquatic ecosystems.
A River Used to Run Through It – Red Wing Wildlife Management Area
Red Wing Wildlife Management Area between Clearwater and Neligh has been shaped by the ever-changing Elkhorn River.
The Sneaky Invasion of Non-native Cattails
Cattails are native to Nebraska, and they’re a perfectly normal and healthy part of a wetland ecosystem. Right?
The Things That Stick to Us – Seeds
We’ve all been there. You’re in the middle of a perfectly pleasant walk through a woodland, wetland or prairie and you glance down to find your pant legs covered with sticky seeds.