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A man and woman look for insects during a citizen science event.

Citizen Science

By Renae Blum Jessica Gieseke is a bumble bee-catching machine. She picks her way through a clump of goldenrod buzzing with flies and soldier beetles and spots her target. In one swift, graceful movement, Gieseke slides a vial along a stem, tips a bumble bee inside and caps the vial. […]

Various shades of green are revealed in a field covered by water clover.

That’s Water-clover

Every now and then, I get a familiar call: “I found a huge patch of four-leaf clovers in a wetland. What’s going on?”
I respond: “Those are water-clover leaves, not those of the lucky four-leaf clover. So cancel the trip to Vegas.”

Sandhill cranes on Platte River
Conservation, Wildlife

Crane Moves

Sandhill cranes are arriving on the Platte River earlier and staying longer. With more birds packed into a smaller area, biologists are left to wonder what the future holds.