Cattle drives and roundups remain a part of everyday life on ranches throughout the Nebraska today. Fish drives, on the hand, are new to the state.
The Not So Plain Plains Onion
Of our state’s six species of native onion, the Plains onion, though small in stature, has the largest, and in my opinion, most elegant flowers.
Reflecting on the Crown-tipped Coral
Two words best describe the bizarrely-shaped coral mushrooms — “really cool.”
Dove Banding
A nationwide mourning dove banding program has been helping biologists monitor population trends of the species.
Saving Saltwort
The state endangered plant saltwort grows in salt marshes in Lancaster County and nowhere else in our state.
Preserving the Pine Ridge
Catastrophic wildfires have ravaged more than half of northwestern Nebraska’s pine forests. Land managers are making strides toward a more sustainable future.