To keep you occupied on the days you don’t hunt, the following are a few ideas for hunting season habitat management.
After the Shot
Whether you’re hunting elk, antelope, mule deer or whitetail, what you do after the shot can greatly affect your chances of recovering the animal.
Low Budget Waterfowling
As a kid growing up in a small lake town in the ’70s, hunting was something Todd Mills could do on a small budget, and it’s still true today. Read his advice.
Rules of the Marsh
Hunting public land doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Here are some common sense and safety rules to the marsh.
Dove Hunting the Sandhills
Dove hunting offers generous bag limits and opportunities statewide. One of the most serene destinations to do so is in the Sandhills of Nebraska.
The Ruttens’ Turtle Hunting Tradition
Every summer, the Rutten “boys” — geared in old tennis shoes, jeans and a T-shirt — ease down into the greasy, stagnant oxbow lake on the flood-prone family property, called “The Island.”