Creating relationships with landowners can help you gain hunting permission. Read these tips to learn how to access hunting land.
Deer Damage Control Permits – Finding a Balance
For the past decade, a Silver Creek farmer has invited Game and Parks to observe the deer populations and crop damage on his property in late May and early June. That has resulted in the issuance of a damage control permit.
From the Marsh to the Stage
Nick Brichacek is a champion duck caller in Nebraska. He shares suggestions on how hunters can transition from the marsh to the stage.
Not Done Shotgunning
While waiting for the spring turkey opener, take advantage of these transition hunting seasons to keep you gunning until that first gobble.
A Young Woman Learns to Hunt
Harleigh Lisius wasn’t born into a hunting family, but she always knew she wanted to do it. The daughter of a fourth-generation farmer, the 23-year-old grew up among cattle, corn and beans near Juniata.
New Hunters Enjoy ‘Historical’ Sandhills Hunt
Four budding hunters were given a special hunting opportunity in December 2022 during the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s first mentored muzzleloader hunt at Bowring Ranch State Historical Park near Merriman.