Going to head for western and northern parts of Nebraska this weekend. Planning to find some safe ice to get on and see what I can catch!
Get the Lead Out?
Tungsten ice fishing jigs are the most popular on the market right now. However, those old lead jigs are still best in some situations.
Annual Guide and Forecast
By Daryl Bauer, Fisheries Outreach Program Manager I expect that most of you have already seen these publications. On the other hand, I learned a long time ago that no matter how much you mention something, someone out there will have “missed the memo.” In case you have not seen […]
The Value of a Good Hunting Knife
Greg Wagner explains why a good knife is a quintessential tool for any outdoor enthusiast, but particularly for the hunter.
Nature Date Ideas for Valentine’s Day
If you would like to combine your love for nature with that special someone in your life, keep reading for a list of nature-themed dates.
Keep Your Hands Outta the Water!
You may never encounter bluefin tuna in Nebraska, but you might see some of the same predatory interactions.