The calendar said it was fall, late fall. In reality it was a beautiful evening, warm, a breath of southeast breeze.
Lizards of Nebraska
Four families of lizards can be found in Nebraska, with a total of 10 different species. Let’s examine four of those species.
Slow Down
I have blogged about general fall fishing strategies in the past. Want to emphasize a part of that equation here.
The Art of Observation
What better way to amplify your time in October than through art and nature? Use the skill of observation to create an image.
Got Luck?
You know that angler you consider to be “lucky”, the guy who always catches fish or seems to always catch the biggest fish? He catches those fish for a reason.
October Wildlife Viewing: Waterfowl Migration
October marks the start of migration for many waterfowl species as they make their way back to wintering grounds.