Greg Wagner shares his extensive checklist for hunters to ensure that they’re fully prepared when Nebraska hunting seasons arrive.
Nebraska Nature in Color – A Rainbow of Diversity
Diversity is the key to resilience and stability within an ecosystem. It’s also integral to our understanding and conservation of wildlife.
The Diversity of Milkweeds
Nebraska’s diverse milkweed species are keystones to the health of ecosystems and the animals that rely on them.
Summer Fishing Lures
By Greg Wagner Chug bug. Jitterbug. Hula popper. Creek chub knuckle-head. Zara spook. They all have very creative names and designs by the companies that manufacture them. They imitate every conceivable critter that could be on, around or just under the surface of the water in a wild environment from […]
On to Something Bigger
Larger predator fish have been my target, mostly hybrid striped bass (i.e. wipers).
Wear Your Life Jacket
Greg Wagner shares important safety reminders and reasons why people should wear life jackets while recreating on the water.