In Nebraska, bald eagles can be observed year round, but arguably, winter offers the best opportunities for viewing these large birds of prey.
Nebraska Nature
At-risk Species Spotlight: Northern Saw-whet Owl
January’s At-risk Species Spotlight features the northern saw-whet owl (Aegolius acadicus), one of the smallest owls in North America.
The Process of Pellets
When owls eat, the indigestible parts of prey, like the teeth, bones, fur or feathers, are formed into an oval mass called a pellet.
How to Help Search for Spotted Skunks
The Nebraska Game and Parks and the University of Nebraska Omaha are working to learn more about the spotted skunk. Here’s how you can help.
January Wildlife Viewing – Go Owling
Don’t let cold temperatures keep you cooped up inside this winter. January is a great time to look and listen for owls, an activity known as “owling.”
Animal Communication: Secret Messages in the Natural World
Did you know that animals can be just as communicative as humans? They just have their own ways of doing it.